by Doing

As much as a traditional classroom has to offer, there are just some skills and experiences that can only be learned outside those four walls. Experiential learning allows students to take what they’ve learned and apply it to real-world scenarios plus build skills in leadership, teamwork, and time management.

Explore Experiential Learning

Learning by doing. While you are in high school, you can get real world work experience to learn skills and try out different career options. You can even get a head start on getting into the workforce as an apprentice.

Coop Placements for High School Students

Cooperative Education is a learning partnership that provides high school students with valuable work experience while they are earning credits towards their graduation diploma. Cooperative Education involves both a classroom component and a work placement component.

This program is offered at both the HWDSB and the HWCDSB. Each school or school board can answer questions related to its particular program.


  • Experience the practical aspects of a job and the expectations of employers in a real work environment
  • Work in placements which best match your educational needs and interests
  • Integrate classroom theory and earn credits towards your diploma
  • To learn more, see: How high school co-op can kickstart your career
  • Develop your future workforce
  • Promote yourself as an employer of choice
  • Enhance the personal and career development of young people in our community


All high school students are eligible to participate in Cooperative Education. Generally, you must be 16 years of age or older (the Ministry of Labour requires students to be a minimum age, depending on the occupation). 

Employers are invited to participate from all industries. 


Ontario Ministry of Education
Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) is a School to Work program that opens the door for students to explore and work in apprenticeship occupations starting in Grade 11 or Grade 12 through the Cooperative Education program.

Students have an opportunity to become registered apprentices and work towards becoming certified journeypersons in a skilled trade while completing their secondary school diplomas. 

You can participate in OYAP through either the HWDSB or the HWCDSB.


Apprenticeship is a post-secondary pathway designed for people to learn a skilled trade through a combination of on-the-job- training and classroom instruction.

  • 80-90 % of apprenticeship training is provided in the workplace.
  • 10-20 % involves classroom instruction on theory, which is usually given at a local community college, or provided through another approved training organization.
  • Length of the apprenticeship varies depending on the trade, but is typically 2-5 years. 
  • Apprenticeships are available for over 140 skilled trades, in sectors ranging from Motive Power/Transportation, Service, Construction and Industrial/Manufacturing.


An OYAP student:
  • is a Co-op student in an apprenticeship occupation
  • is 15 years of age or older (grade 10 students can participate in the summer before beginning grade 11 in September)
  • has completed at least 14 secondary school credits
  • is enrolled full time or part time in secondary school

5th year students are eligible under certain circumstances and adult students over the age of 21 are eligible, if earning credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD).



For Students 
  • Earn credits toward an OSSD while exploring a potential career within the skilled trades
  • Obtain important health and safety training
  • Develop essential and employability skills
  • Allows a smooth transition into post-secondary apprenticeship programs
Employers and Community
  • Promotes youth engagement and profile of community placement or employer as progressive and supportive
  • Develops future talent, skills, and employees


Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM)

The Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) program offers grade 11 and 12 students the opportunity to explore a specific community, or economic and/or industrial sector, in preparation for post-secondary destinations in one of four pathways: Apprenticeship, College, University, or Workplace. 

SHSM includes five main components: 1) specified, bundled credits, 2) sector partner experiences, 3) sector-recognized certifications, 4) ‘Reach Ahead’ activities, and 5) participation in a sector-partnered contextualized experience, where students work with real community organizations to solve an authentic problem their organization may face. 


Here’s links to the SHSM programs at our local English school boards and videos that give an great overview of why you might want to participate.

The Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board currently offers majors in 14 sectors ranging from Arts & Culture to Transportation.

The Specialist High Skills Major is part of the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board’s Student Success Strategy initiative.


Students and Families

A SHSM enables students to:

  • Customize their secondary school education to suit their interests and talents;
  • Develop specialized knowledge and skills that are valued by the sector and postsecondary education institutions;
  • Earn credits that are recognized by the sector and postsecondary education institutions;
  • Gain sector-specific and career-relevant certification and training;
  • Engage in sector-partnered experiences that are relevant to the sector;
  • Identify, explore, and refine their career goals and make informed decisions about their postsecondary destination;
  • Remain flexible, with the option to shift between pathways should their goals and plans change.
Employers and Community
  • Promotes youth engagement and profile of community placement or employer as progressive and supportive
  • Develops talent, skills, and employees related to a sector
  • Provides meaningful, sector-oriented experience for students with an interest in an employment sector 
  • Links directly to curricular learning outcomes and promotes cross curricular-focused instruction 


Students and Families
  • Promotes exploration of a career destination related to an employment sector
  • May be particularly engaging for those with an interest in employment sector-related skills and career opportunities
Employers and Community
  • May be a helpful support in identifying possible talent, community contributors, and employees 
  • Allows for close work with colleagues/students to make curricular programming more relevant and connected to sector applications 


Community Service/Volunteering

Community involvement is typically a non-paying job performed by one or more people to benefit community (as opposed to family) individuals, groups, or institutions. It is usually voluntary and it typically addresses a need and provides a service that otherwise is not being addressed. It may be identified and implemented by a student, educator, or community partner in response to a perceived need.


Students and Families
  • Expands experience and contacts
  • Develops future-ready skills and explore interests
  • Contributes to community and others
  • Develops a sense of purpose and meaning
Employers and Community
  • Engages more contributors in community endeavours
  • Raises community awareness and may encourage advocacy and agency
  • Promotes organization or cause as an ally and supporter of/by youth
  • Builds a resource base of potential participants and supporters
  • Encourages civic mindedness and may contribute to development of student social/emotional skills as well as learning skills/work habits
  • May link to curricular learning outcomes and student passions


Students and Families
  • This may include experiences beyond community involvement hours
  • This may involve opportunities that you are already interested in or some that you would like to explore
Employers and Community
  • Providers of community service opportunities will need to consider the appropriateness and accessibility for some students to participate
  • Liaison with parents/guardians and protocols for ensuring safety and security of participants may be important especially where students are under 18
  • May wish to direct students to some of the community volunteer resources and/or encourage student contributions in areas of their interest or passion



Internships are professional learning experiences that allow high school students, college students, and recent graduates to take everything they’ve learned in school and apply it in a real-world situation. They help you narrow down and develop your career path and gain new skills for future jobs.

Many employers offer summer internships for high school students because students bring new ideas and energy to their company.


Students and Families
  • Gain professional skills and a foundation for their future careers
  • Provides opportunities to explore different career options
  • Can add skills like teamwork, professionalism and communication to their resumé
  • Prepares students for leadership roles
  • Students can start to build a professional network
Employers and Community
  • Find future employees
  • Increase productivity
  • Give back to the community by enhancing the local workforce
  • Helps students close the skills gap with real-world experience
  • Fosters leadership skills in current employees
  • Confidence builder for students, inspiring them to work harder at school and be willing to take on challenges
  • May link to curricular learning outcomes and student passions


Contact us if you are willing to provide an internship opportunity for a local student.

Job Shadowing

Job Shadowing involves spending time following a professional as they work. By observing the professional from a few hours to a few days, students can get a better understanding of their career.

Students will follow and observe, and may be asked to help with certain tasks.


Students and Families
  • Short-term experience
  • Develop contacts in career field of interest
  • Provides students with much deeper insight into the career
Employers and Community
  • Students bring a new, unique perspective
  • Give back to the community
  • Sharing knowledge and experience
  • Confidence builder for students
  • Encourages students to be proactive in seeking their own job shadow placement
  • Encourages students to research the company, be prepared with questions and reflect on their experience


Contact us if you are willing to provide an job shadow opportunity for a local student.